Saturday, October 07, 2006

What is a Dream?

Is it the passionate desire we have towards a goal we want to reach? Or is it an object of desire we run towards even though we know that we are far from touching it, perhaps it could be both.

What makes our choice of dreams though? Is it our childhood? Back in the days, where we were amused by the thoughts towards a great achievement. Or was it in the teenage years, when life starts to shape up and we begin to realize where our head and feet go?

Dream, a powerful word if utilized right. But how to utilize it right? Is it something we learn from a manual? From others? Or just something we grow to learn and there is never an ending to it.

Lots of people give up, forget, drop or dismiss their dreams with time. So what is the real motive behind keeping it going? It's definitely different from one dream to another. But eventually it falls into one reason. Would that reason be hope? Or could it be determination? The latter sounds more logical.

Dreams... a word that I value ... a word that affects me ... does everyone have a word that affects them... I wonder... but that is another question...


Lym said...

I don't have a dream that effects me but I do have a goal that does.

great entry :)

TripleTee said...

what...finally?... lol
dreams... yes, they affect me. That's because I make my dreams my goals.

Snooky said...

Sometimes I force my self to think about something constantly just to dream about it and see what will happen in the dream, doesnt always work.

Hamood said...

lym: Great. All the best in reaching that goal. Thanks...

TripleTee: Yeah, I am suprised myself. Finally! Good luck with that. I cant imagine making every dream my goal that must be overwhelming.

Snooky: But it works other times, right? I say we keep trying...

NiGhTFaCe said...

Dream?! Its a word we use for something we think of. But, we cant get.

sensation said...

a Great entry indeed!
I like your writing style and you know what? Sometimes the questions are the answers :)

What I understood when you mentioned the word Dream is that it's sth that keeps you awake at night, sth of which you are very passionate about! Not a dream which you have while sleeping :)

Apparently this word, Dream, cause confusion sometimes. I heard a speaker saying rather than asking people "What's your dream?" Ask them "What's your compelling reason?"

May be the term compelling reason is easier to comprehend :)

I added a link to your blog in mine :)
I will be quite a regular visitor :D

Hamood said...

NiGhTFaCe: Sometimes, but other times they can become true...

sensation: It can be confusing if it was written in the wrong or in a confusing context. Either way, the word Dream has a value on its own. The way it wounds, the echo of it in your mind... there are lots of things about it that makes it unique and irreplace-able.

Thanks for dropping by and adding the link.

Unknown said...

I think that if you hold on to a dream long enough u'll eventually make up your mind to make it come true and I think that it actually can come to reality if you work hard enough on it.

SteLLa said...

Wow!! Amazing writing mashallah!

Meticulousness said...

I always believed that dreams are realities waiting to be lived and life would be droplets of heaven waiting to be sipped.

S.Alfiri said...

i really like ur blooog and the subject u war it about and all word u keep it on :)nice and great subject u take :Dsarah ...hope u visit my bloog

Hamood said...

Nabhan: I totally agree. With Hard work a dream can become reality...

Stella: well thanks!

mysterious: That's deep. Good thinking, it makes sense.

7ammaaa$$: Glad you like the blog. Will be checking yours, inshallah...