Friday, November 23, 2007

Being Mindless, is it possible?

A mental difficulty, being mindless that is. At any moment, there is at least a thought lingering on your mind. Concentrate, focus on being mindless; but any effort goes in vain.. in a matter of seconds and they are lost and some thought cracks in again...

Any mindless people out there? I wonder...

Perhaps it takes practice to be mindless... and perhaps it is strongly tied to our ability to focus...

The gift of being mindless makes you feel like you are floating in space, in the void, soundless and with no sense of gravity... it might be how those space travelers feel, most likely it's just a glimpse of how that feels...


Det. Conan said...

I seriously didn't know how to reach you and congratulate you for your upcoming wedding, even though you nor your brother invited me to your melka :(, so i decided to pop you a comment through your dead blog.. well, semi dead blog.

Congratulations and may Allah bless your wedding and this marriage and the future of both you..

i was going to say: may the force be with you.. but i am not sure whether you are a Star Wars fan or not..

p.s. my congratulation and wishing you all the best doesn't mean that i will hand you my Dragon Ball Z graphic novel collection on a golden plate or anything.. :P

(ok now you know who i am)..

Cheers from Birmingham.

Hamood said...

Thanks! I guess it is a zombie blog, since I dont check it myself. And dude, where you even in town :L

May the force be with us all... All the best with your studies!

Dana Al Abdullah said...

After getting married, I learned that men can be mindless. They got empty boxes where they can just go there and think of nothing. With women it is impossible. At least that what I beleive.

Hamood said...

Dana: Tell me about it! It is one of the best places to be :P